- Seller Commissions: With Reserve: 10% Without Reserve: 6% Collectibles: 20%
- Verify your vehicles VIN number matches your title before registration, that your vehicle is registered in the consignor’s name and that it is free of any liens.
- Read and Agree to the Terms & Conditions at bottom of page before completing the online registration or download the auction position request PDF.
- Copy both sides of your title along with any supporting title documents such as POA’s and submit to your Vicari consignment specialist by uploading online, email, fax or mail, along with a copy of your driver’s license.
- Provide payment information for each vehicle. Entry fee is based on the actual assigned position and will be charged when vehicle position is determined.
- After your registration is received, Vicari Auction will contact you to assign your auction position. A confirmation of the auction position will be confirmed with you by phone or email.
- Vehicle photographs should be emailed to [email protected]. Always include the consignor’s full name and year, make and model with any photos. Please send separate cars in separate emails. If your auction position has been assigned please include your auction run number.
- If all of the required documents are submitted to Vicari Auction by the pre-registration deadline, your vehicle will qualify for express check-in at the auction. This will allow you to bypass the auction office during the vehicle check-in times.
- Dealers must submit a copy of their current used motor vehicle license to be exempt from tax and to register a vehicle in the dealer’s name.
- Help us help you sell your vehicle! Buyers will often only attend an auction when a specific vehicle is made available, even for a common classic car. Significant buyer interest is generated through Vicari Auction marketing campaigns and consigning 60-90+ days prior to the auction will maximize your vehicles exposure to buyers.
- Be realistic in your reserve, a car priced too low will get snatched up quickly and set a standard for particular cars, a car priced too high may not sell. A good starting point is to look at this guide: Collector Car Market Guide (find your make, select year and then model). This guide has five pricing conditions, to see conditions guide: Conditions Guide.
- Bring all completed forms, the original title and other supporting information to the auction.
- Prepare an accurate description to be displayed on your vehicle and to be read by the auctioneer. Leave out the obvious (two door, convertible etc.; specify if alternate hard-top is available, special paint color(s), unique features that make your vehicle stand out.)
- Check in as early as possible when arriving to the Vicari Auction. Having more time for buyers to preview your vehicle, greatly increases interest.
- Do a pre-auction maintenance check-up, as the unexpected will happen. Check your vehicles battery and conduct a brake check to ensure the safety of your vehicle. A poorly running vehicle will hinder your vehicles presentation.
- Vehicles must have a minimum of 1/4 tank of gas, the battery is in good working condition and the brakes are working properly to be checked in at the auction. Some auction locations fire ordinances may limit the amount of gas a vehicle may have, so check with your consignment specialist prior to attending if the auction will be under roof. At the discretion of Vicari Auction, vehicles not meeting these requirements may not be accepted into the auction.
- Detail your vehicle before you arrive and while it is on display at the auction. Detailers will be available for hire at most Auctions, but are often busy, so it is highly recommended to confirm their availability prior to the auction.
- No seller contact information, business cards, window pin-ups with seller phone number or email shall be permitted in the auction display vehicles. Violators and their property may be removed from the auction premises without notice and no refunds shall be made. Post sale representatives will be available to perspective purchasers to sell your vehicle during the auction in the event your vehicle does not sell on the auction block.
- Be accessible to the auctioneer to answer questions about your vehicle when your car is on the block, identify yourself as the owner to a Vicari representative. If you are unable to be present when the vehicle is on the block, ensure Vicari Auction has as much information on your vehicle as possible.
- Always be honest in your description of your vehicle. Stick to the facts and only represent what you can prove pertaining to your vehicle. Any misrepresentation, including accidental false statements, will dim your integrity and could put your sale at risk.
- When offering your car at auction with a reserve, be realistic about your reserve amount. The auctioneer’s job is to get as much for your vehicle during the auction as possible. The auctioneer will take into account your reserve in order to get you the most return on your investment. The auctioneer may open the bid or bid on the seller’s behalf up to the reserve amount depending on the response from the crowd. Setting the reserve too high can discourage bidder participation, risking the successful sale of your vehicle.
- If you have further questions please contact a Vicari Auction consignment specialist at your convenience.
- Arrange for your vehicle to be at the auction at the specified check-in dates and times. The owner or owner’s legal agent must be present to check-in the vehicle upon arrival. Please see entry rules for further description of owner agent and unattended vehicles.
- Upon arrival, bring your vehicle and title to the security check point. If you have qualified for Express Check-In your documents will be waiting for you with security. A vehicle VIN Inspection will be conducted prior to your admittance.
- (Skip this step if pre-registered) If you partially registered or need to register a vehicle after the pre-registration deadline, bring your vehicle to the security check point for a VIN Inspection. Security will provide you with a VIN Verification Form to give to the auction cashier when you come to the auction office. After you have turned over your title and completed the vehicle registration process the cashier will give you your check-in paperwork.
- After your vehicle has passed the VIN Inspection and you have completed the final paperwork work, your vehicle will be parked in the public display area.
- If you have vehicle documentation with you, Do Not leave it in your car. Visit our office or hold onto the document until the vehicle sells and bring the documents to the auction office so that Vicari Auction can document the transfer to the new owner.
- Vicari Auction will supply driver’s for your vehicle. You may request to drive your own vehicle across the block by notifying security prior to the auction. Vehicles deemed unsafe to drive by Vicari staff will require the owner to drive across the block. Please see entry rules for further information.
- Identify yourself as the owner prior to your car crossing the auction block. A Vicari Representative will be accessible to you during the process and may ask you to answer more questions about your vehicle for bidders.
- When your vehicle sells, you are finished. A check will be mailed to you within 30 business days of the end of the auction to the physical address you supplied on your auction position request.
- If your vehicle does not sell on the auction block our post sale representative will continue to answer questions about your car to bidders and make an effort to sell your vehicle. We suggest leaving your vehicle on site until the end of the auction, but we will return your title when you are ready to remove the vehicle from the display area.
- The actual title to your car must be presented to Vicari Auction before your car will be entered into the auction. For vehicles from states that do not assign titles for antique vehicles, a current registration in the consignors name is acceptable.
- If a lending institution is holding your title due to a lien, contact your banker to get a copy of the title and the current payoff before the auction dates to submit to Vicari Auction. A “Title In Transit” stamp will be placed on your vehicle description card to indicate to buyers the title is not onsite for the auction. A $100 processing fee will be added at the auction site for any title that is not presented.
- Titles must be negotiable with the seller/consignor’s name on the front of the title. If the title is in a business name, the consignor must provide proof that he/she is legally eligible to sell said vehicle for the business. Dealers must have a re-assignment space available to transfer to the next purchaser. OPEN TITLES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED INTO THE AUCTION. Any title requiring a correction will be assessed a $50 title correction fee. Dealers wishing to enter a vehicle “Title In Transit” will only be allowed to do so when a full copy of the title and applicable supporting documents is present at the auction indicating the consigning dealer’s ownership. Dealer will be assessed a $100 processing fee for each “Title In Transit” entry.
- Seller agrees and understands that he/she is responsible for any previous tax or title obligations on said vehicle and is responsible to provide purchaser with a proper document of sale. Seller further agrees that if a tax is due on said vehicle that is sold through the auction that seller/owner authorizes Vicari Auction to make payment from the seller’s sale proceeds on said tax in order to convey good title to the buyer in a timely fashion.
- The serial number / VIN number on your vehicle must match the serial number / VIN number on your title. Non manufacturer serial numbers / VIN numbers may be subject to additional requirements. If you have a vehicle with a non matching VIN or serial number contact your local department of motor vehicles, complete any required forms and in most cases have a police inspection completed in order to obtain a transferable title. This process may take a few days or weeks to get a replacement title so please plan accordingly. VEHICLES WITHOUT A VIN OR INCORRECT VIN WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE SALE. Please check your serial number prior to coming to the sale, especially Model A’s and Street Rods, to avoid complications. Entry fees will not be refunded on vehicles rejected on sale day. If you have any questions regarding this, especially VIN tags or stampings, contact Vicari Auction before the auction days.
- Auction positions will not be confirmed until entry fee is paid. Unpaid entries will be eligible for cancellation without notice at the discretion of Vicari Auction.
- Auction positions are assigned within value limits on a first come, first serve basis. However, Vicari Auction reserves the right to alter the placement of sale vehicles at its discretion. Auction run times are estimates only and are not guaranteed.
- Vicari Auction will do their best to serve our customers needs. However, customers who are unable to announce what car they are entering into the sale will not be eligible for “prime time” or “feature” entries.
- Customers with “primetime” or “feature” entries will not be eligible to change cars once the car is declared. If the approved vehicle is not brought to the sale, your auction position is subject to change at the discretion of Vicari Auction.
- Sellers may have a representative check-in the vehicle only when the seller has provided his or her representative with a notarized power of attorney to do so, or if the representative has a salesman license registered to the consigning dealer. A copy of the salesman license will be required if acting as an agent.
- Vicari Auction will not be held responsible for any unattended vehicles. Vehicles will not be checked into the public display area until the owner or the owner’s legal agent is present for the final check-in process. A legal agent is to be known as a representative with a notarized power of attorney whom can legally sign documents for the owner or a registered salesman of the dealership with a copy of his or her salesman license.
- Vehicles with liens must be pre-approved by the auction office and in all cases must be accompanied by a letter from the lien holder stating the lien release conditions and the current payoff.
- Vicari Auction will have security on site for the auction but will not be held responsible for any liabilities, including, but not limited to lost, stolen or damaged properties.
- Payment to sellers will come from Vicari Auction and will be mailed within 30 Business Days of the end of the auction or as posted in the auction office. Vicari Auction will not release vehicles without payment confirmation.
- Checks and titles will be mailed to the physical address provided on the auction position request form. Neither checks nor titles will be mailed to a PO Box. In the event your documents are returned to Vicari Auction due to an improperly supplied or incorrect address, a fee may be assessed equal to the cost incurred by Vicari Auction to remail said documents.
- Wire transfers are available for seller proceeds, a $50 processing fee will be charged to complete the transaction.
- Titles will be registered only in the registered bidders name. If you are a registered bidder, do not buy a car for another person. In the event this does happen, notify the auction office immediately. The unregistered bidder must pay the full bidder registration fee and an additional $100 processing fee will be charged by Vicari Auction. The original bidder may be held legally responsible for the commissions of the vehicle in the event of default by either party.
- Vicari Auction shall be entitled to any and all fees and commissions in the event of default by the buyer or seller, by the defaulting party.
- Vicari Auction is entitled to its commissions on any vehicle sold up to 30 days after the conclusion of the auction.
- All vehicles sold on the auction premises are due full commissions to Vicari Auction. Buyer or Sellers who buy/sell on site with the intent of cutting the auction company out of the sale is a violation of the terms and conditions of the buyer/seller agreements and the registered buyer and or seller will be held liable for the full commission of both parties. Violators, at the discretion of Vicari Auction, may be removed from the auction and banned from participating in future auctions.
- By participating in the auction buyer and seller agree to abide by the aforementioned rules in addition to the full terms & conditions.
Vehicle Photography Guidelines Help Us Maximize the Selling Potential of Your Vehicle.
Submitting high-quality photos helps to promote your vehicle. High-resolution photos will be used for advertising purposes, including our website.
About Your Photos:
Minimum of 6 photos and maximum of 25 photos and 1 video for each vehicle can be included on our website. For most early consignments, submitted photos are also used to create promotional materials including our mailers, ads, eblast, etc. The minimum size requirement is 1.5 MB per image, using a 5 mega pixel camera or higher. This will ensure quality presentation for advertising in both online and print. *Make sure that your digital camera is not set with a Time/Date Stamp. *Low resolution digital photos and photos printed on paper are not acceptable. Make sure panoramic is deselected, date and time stamp is off, give space around car so that designer can crop for mailers, advertisements, web and auction board and always hold camera horizontally to ensure entire car is in photo.
Upload images on consignment page or email your photos to: [email protected]. If emailing images, send each car with photos in a separate email with car description to avoid confusion, if files are too large to send in one email, you may send in separate emails, please put in subject line year make model set 1 and so forth.
Photo Suggestions: Shoot Outdoors:
- Clean your Car and remove license plate.
- Outdoor photography is the best and preferred method, a bright day will reflect chrome and show the paint and finish at its’ best. Indoor photography is acceptable only in a controlled studio setting.
- Position the vehicle in an attractive setting, free of clutter, people and pets.
- Position yourself and the camera with the sun/bright light source behind you and the vehicle in front of you.
- Photograph the vehicle on pavement whenever possible.
- Do not crop photos, get entire vehicle in shot and take photo horizontally (landscape).
Suggested Photo Angles/Distances: (get both driver’s side and passenger side images, if a convertible, a set each with top up and top down)
Front Angle:


Back Angle:



Artistic Features:
